Presented by: Meghan Cleary (a yearlong UTI sufferer + ahem, obsessive researcher)
Become your own vajay whisperer.
*If you’re not getting solutions from your doctor, this course is for you.
Have you ever had . . .
Pain or discomfort with sex (even a little)?
Pain or discomfort with peeing (any/occasional)?
Unexplained rashes, bumps or irritation?
UTI’s with negative cultures?
Recurring UTIs?
Recurring BV?
Recurring yeast infections?
Peeing during the night (even 1x)?
Trouble getting pregnant?
Genitourinary syndrome (GSM)?
Dryness or tissue damage from the Pill?
Infections from a sexual partner?
Has your doctor ever said . . .
Take this antibiotic/antifungal (again)
There’s nothing wrong with you!
Are you wiping front to back?
Drink more water!
Take this antidepressant!
Drink wine and use lube!
Use lube
There’s no bacteria in your urine/vagina so you don’t have an infection
Not sure why this anti-fungal isn’t working for your yeast infection
That’s normal (or common) when you are menstruating/post-partum/perimenopausal/menopausal or have a vagina!
A little pain is normal
Not sure what’s wrong with you!
Have more sex!
Most women respond to *name of treatment here*, not sure why you aren’t
Why are you so tense during this exam?
You have a very finicky vagina
UTIs/BV are common in women your age (said at any age)
Do you pee after sex?
Do you want to know . . .
How to keep your vajay in optimal health?
How to get correctly diagnosed?
How to get some relief right now?
How to do accurate urine and vaginal swab tests at doctor’s office?
How to find a doctor with the right training to help you?
The right questions to ask?
The role of pelvic floor PT?
Simple treatment paths including holistic, no-antibiotic options?
*Please note that I use the word vajay to refer not just to the vagina, but to the entire ecosytem of the vaginal biome, vulva, urethra and clitoris.
Hey Vajay!
Hey Vajay!
You’ll learn:
How to keep your vajay happy and healthy on a daily basis
How to find the right doctor, ask the right questions and obtain the right tests
How to get off the antibiotic doom cycle
Why 99% of lube is damaging your vagina
The magic of vaginal estrogen (and what type to get)
BONUS: Hey Vajay!© Product Guide
BONUS: List of reputable women’s health influencers to follow on IG/TikTok